Active Travel Assessments

Whilst it is really the remit of both North Yorkshire Council (to match its Local Plan), and Active Travel England (against documents such as LTN 1/20) to provide assessments of the active travel provision, this does not happen as a matter of course. As a result we have been providing assessments of key parts of our district where it is considered necessary.

You can find our current assessments below.

The 474 home Broomfield Farm estate being developed from 2023 onwards on the south eastern edge of Whitby. Providing access to sustainable transport options from where people live is key to getting adoption of healthier ways of travelling, and in turn, relieving the carmaggedon that Whitby currently suffers from.

This development seemingly treats active travel as an afterthought. There are still some things that could be done to improve the estates effectiveness however.

Whitby Business Park has been developed since the 1970s on the eastern edge of the town, providing business units for many local and national companies.

Our assessment looks at how well it provides for pedestrians, mobility device users as well as cyclists. The conclusion is not good and changes are needed to make this even remotely acceptable.

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