The Plan

Any plan is subject to change due to unpredictable factors (such as funding). This plan is no different and, given the uncertainty around active travel funding in the UK, even more so. Where an item is largely achieved it will be marked ✅.

Short Term (1-2 years)

  • Barriers to Access : Survey with Whitby DAG of barriers to access. Month long survey complete, and online reporting method established.
  • Infrastructure Plan : Provide local input to facilitate infrastructure plans for active travel across the district. We are the local stakeholder for development of a Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Whitby area; this document will guide infrastructure development in the immediate Whitby area. We are also a consultee for the LCWIP to cover the NYMNP.
  • Primary Schools : Engagement with primary schools, starting at Airy Hill School (May 2024), and aiming for remaining primary schools during 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years. Meet with the head of governors and/or headteacher explaining our aims, and deliver a lesson. Captures the current levels of active travel to school. Aim to repeat this every 3-4 years, for data gathering.
  • Secondary Schools : Engagement with secondary school to develop understanding of the barriers to allowing cycle to school. Consider whether there are any actions we can take short term (e.g assisting in providing bike storage) that will alleviate problems.
  • Bikes for Learning : Develop the idea of having a pool of bikes for use by primary schools in developing children’s balance and coordination skills. Looking at 2025 as the earliest that this is available, may be later – dependent on a local provider for delivering such activities with schools (delivering activities like this, Bikeability etc is beyond our remit). Whether the pool of bikes would reside with us, or with a separate body remains to be decided.
  • Adaptive Bikes for Disability Access : Investigate the purchase of disability-friendly bikes, as well as funding opportunities. Aim for 1 bike to provide for the basic capability, and review success after a year in terms of catering for additional disability requirements. VanRaam e-fun2go ordered Dec 2024.
  • Collaboration : Working with Sustrans, NYC, NYMNP etc, on the development of the active travel network for this area, such as focus groups, steering groups, and so on. Participated in focus group with Sustrans, steering group for Whitby LCWIP with NYC/Sustrans/WSP, and consultee for NYMNP LCWIP with NYMNP/Sustrans/WSP.
  • Volunteering : Establishment of regular volunteer events for litter picking or vegetation management along key routes. This will ensure that existing routes are available for use whilst plans are put in place for expanding the infrastructure. 2 events held in 2024.

Medium Term (3-6 years)

  • Infrastructure (Paths) : Development of initial path infrastructure, expanding the connectivity of the walking / cycling networks. In terms of wheeling, this will likely start from the Cinder Track and work outwards, gradually providing more connectivity. In terms of walking, this will likely focus on improving the condition of some paths that are not well used due to condition.
  • Infrastructure (Benches) : Provision of benches to suitable places on the walking/cycling infrastructure networks. Will involve community consultation to define the primary locations to address.
  • Infrastructure (Bike Storage) : Provision of bike storage to limited locations. Will link in to LCWIP assessment.
  • Marketing : Development of network route information leaflets / online resources, as well as video promotion of routes. May involve signage.
  • Bikes for Learning : Full range of bikes for teaching balance, coordination etc.
  • Adaptive Bikes for Disability Access : Enhanced range of disability-friendly bikes.
  • Bike Availability : Develop a recycling capability able to take discarded bikes and recycling for use within the community, to remove barriers to entry. This may be carried forward as a separate charity (CIO) or community interest company (CIC).

Long Term (7+ years)

  • Infrastructure (Paths) : Continue developing further paths. Move towards development of further reaching parts of the infrastructure network – connectivity up the coast, and up the Esk Valley.
  • Infrastructure (Benches) : Further implementation of benches subsequent to community feedback.
  • Infrastructure (Bike Storage) : Bike storage at all key locations, e.g railway stations.
  • Infrastructure Integration : Connections with other forms of transport.
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