Bike Storage

Having locations to store a bike, whether they are locations that the bike can be secured to a stand / railing (preferably with a CCTV), or whether they are locations with truly secure bike storage, are absolutely essential in making cycling a viable means of transport around the area. A council has a parking strategy for vehicles, so why not for bicycles?

Whitby currently has very limited locations with bike stands : Railway Station, Leisure Centre, Pannett Park, and a few supermarkets are all that are available. There are currently no locations with secure bike storage.

In terms of railway stations up the Esk Valley, Whitby station is the only one with any bicycle storage. This is the responsibility of Northern Rail, and surely there is a major opportunity for them to invest in basic storage so that people can cycle to the station, lock their bike up, and take the train wherever they want to go.

We would like to, at some point, help to fund bike storage facilities in convenient places so that people can leave their bike and be confident of coming back to it later. These can be coupled with simple bike repair stations with facilities for pumping tyres and simple fixes.

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